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Community Involvement
Light the Night
Toupin Construction's passion to fight blood cancer stems from Jennifer Toupin's personal experience with her father and owner of Toupin Construction, Tim Toupin. In 2008, a year after being diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, Tim went through a stem cell transplant. With his wife by his side in Stanford, the Toupin kids were back in the Bay Area starting the new school year. Feeling hopeless and needing to make some sort of change in the face of cancer, Jennifer came across Light the Night, part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Light the Night is a walk that funds the research for people battling blood cancers.
Children, adults and seniors all come together throughout the United States in over 200 locations to walk for a cure. Each participant is given a balloon; red is in support of someone fighting a blood cancer, white is for those who have a blood cancer and gold is for those you have lost their battle to cancer. In the beginning of the night, there are speakers ranging from 5 years old to 90 years old, each telling their own personal story of how cancer has affected their lives. There are games and food and many relationships are built on the common ground that no one should go through this battle alone.
Every October in Walnut Creek, when you see a sea of balloons marching down the street you will know that one by one we are striving for a change. October 2008 marks the first year for Toupin Construction participating in Light the Night. All the Toupin kids participated that year including Marley Toupin, who had a nice comfy spot in his mommy’s tummy. Not knowing what the future held that night, Toupin Construction adopted Light the Night as their primary charity. For last five years Toupin Construction has been active in Light the Night, raising donations, walking and spreading the word.
If you have any questions about the walk, would like to donate or join our team then please email [email protected] or call our offices at 925-937-4200. Your participation helps save lives.