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The Boss’s Daughter
Why February 10th is the BEST Day of the Year.
When I was eleven my dad would work early in the morning and come home late at night. This one night in February my dad came home earlier than most nights and this night he had surprises for us.
That night he passes around these small gifts to my mom, my brother and my sisters and when I opened mine it was this beautiful rose shaped glass and inside it was Vanilla Bean perfume from Victoria Secret. Anyone who knows me knows that is my signature scent. Although I do not wear perfume often when I do it is V.S Vanilla Bean. Sadly they stopped making it a few years ago and I have one bottle left to get me through this life.
I'll be honest, as a kid I really didn't care why I got a present only that I got one! It was a fun surprise. This gift was different this was the first gift that would start a tradition between me and my dad for the rest of my life. He told me that night the reason he brought us all gifts home was because it was February 10th. February 10 was my due date when my mom was pregnant with me. I was a stubborn baby that decided to hold out until February 24th to make my debut. My dad decided that he wanted to celebrate that day by bringing home gifts to my mom and me and included my siblings that year (and only that year) as well.
February 10, 2017 - San Francisco Chocolate Walking Tour
I thought that was an awesome day! An extra day all about me! Well the next year came and I was so excited to see what he had planned for me I couldn't hold it in the days leading up to it. My dad I am sure did not think that this would become a yearly tradition but at the point I am afraid he had no choice. I would bounce around the house letting everyone know that my day was coming, giving my dad enough time to plan something special for me. And so our tradition continued....
February 10, 2018- Dancing lessons for our "Father/Daughter Dance" (We nailed it!)
In just a few short days it will be February 10th again- a day for me and my dad. In the past we have gone out to fancy dinners, I have gotten some beautiful jewelry, we went on a trip to LA to see a TV show being filmed, dance classes, plays, a chocolate adventure in the city... there has just been so much that we have done to celebrate. What makes our day special isn't the gifts or activities- it is the fact that every year we make sure that we share this special day together and enjoy the amazing relationship that we have built and nurtured over the years.
For all those wondering- my mom does not like February 10th and doesn't understand why we celebrate a day that she was in pain and wanted me to get out!!!
Ruth Chris February 10, 2016
Can't wait to see what you have in store for me this year dad!
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